The night seemed like an eternity waking every hour, tossing and turning.
As I fixed my coffee, a voice told me to go sit outside and enjoy the rain. Listening and watching, a peace fell over me.
I wondered how many people traveling down this road know the Lord as I have had the experience to. I've had the good fortune
to have special friends to help me know Christ as no other can. Without them I'd be slipping down into that pit of darkness
and fear, but by God's grace He put people in my path that will reach out and pull me up. Not giving up on me, knowing
it's a struggle every day.
Sitting on my porch looking out at life. Everyone in a hurry, missing
out on what God has put before them. A gentle rain pelts down, watering the trees and grass. I see the trees stretching out
to catch the drops of water. I feel the blades of grass soak it in, quenching their thirst. How it brings new life to a dry
land. Birds gathering food going about their daily routine they sing. I can't help but wonder are they praising His Holy name.
Thanking Him for a new day. A day to renew their strength. And the breeze whispers to me YES. I listen, feeling His love for
His presence surrounds me, warming my heart, my soul. I can't move,
not wanting to break the Lord's presence I feel, His intimate love for me. So I pray.
Dear Lord,
I want to be strong and with You in me I know I can. Help me to be the person you want me to be. Guide me
through this world as it becomes hard at times, teach me Your ways, give me strength to live for You.
I love the way You speak to me, through Your creations. I pray for
others to open their eyes and hearts to see You through me, what I can see is a different world. It's so peaceful, so beautiful;
I see what it will be when you come for me.
Gale Langford